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2024 Election Resources for Catholics in Michigan

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Supporting Students, Schools, and Parents

Train the young in the way they should go; even when old, they will not swerve from it

Proverbs 22:6, NAB

Education is essential for the betterment of society by providing opportunities for children and adults to reach their fulfillment.

Parents are the primary educators of their children and should have the freedom to determine the education that best suits their child. Schools of all kinds should be supported by the state so families can select from quality education options.

In its advocacy to support students, schools, and parents, MCC supports:

Foundational Documents

News Releases

  1. Nonpublic Schools See Cuts to Safety Funding Under New State Education Budget (07/23/24)
  2. After ESA Veto, Gov. Whitmer and Lawmakers Encouraged to Direct Billions in Federal Resources to Students Impacted by Covid (11/08/21)
  3. To Provide Michigan Families with Greater Educational Options, MCC Urges Gov. Whitmer to Sign ESA Legislation (10/27/21)
  4. Governor’s Veto of Health and Safety Line-Item Neither Just Nor Fair (09/30/20)
  5. MCC Joins Legal Brief to Support Nonpublic Schools in Michigan vs. DeVos CARES Act Case (07/29/20)

Additional Resources

  1. The Word from Lansing Column:
    1. Our Plan to Advance the Common Good This Legislative Session (02/03/23)
    2. During Pandemic, Catholic Schools Rise to the Challenge (04/30/21)
    3. Small Steps of Love in the State Budget Process (03/12/21)
    4. During Challenges, the Church Calls for Faith (08/14/20)
    5. Patience and Persistence: Advocacy Successes in 2019 (01/17/20)
  2. Michigan Association of Non-Public Schools, a service provider and public policy voice for Michigan non-public schools
  3. National Catholic Education Association, a voluntary association of Catholic educators and institutions
  4. Catholic Schools: Developing Hearts and Minds of Faith (Focus Essay, 11/2013)
  5. A Just Beginning for All, A Series of Messages on Education (Michigan Bishops, 2000)
  6. Statement on Education Reform (MCC Board of Directors, 1993)
